Formula for success: Employee retention

The choice of attractive jobs has never been greater – at least for qualified specialists. They are spoilt for choice and can place high demands on employers. Companies have to make an effort to satisfy outstanding employees and retain them for a long time. In the following article, we explain why good employee retention is so important, why specialised industries in particular benefit from it and which measures support employee retention.

Eine Gruppe glücklicker Mitarbeiter die gute Mitarbeiterbindung symbolisieren.

Why is employee retention so important?

Good staff are hard to find. Especially in times when there is a shortage of skilled labour, qualified team members with the right personality are not worth their weight in gold. Apart from the fact that no company can run, let alone be successful, without employees, the recruitment process is time-consuming and cost-intensive.

So once you have recruited good people, you should spare no expense or effort to promote their satisfaction and also bind them emotionally to your company. This not only benefits the atmosphere in the workplace, but also the company’s success – because a satisfied team is demonstrably more productive.

Not yet convinced of the benefits of good employee retention? Then here are a few more arguments:

  • Initiative: People who are convinced of their workplace and have an emotional attachment to it are not indifferent to the company’s success. Instead of just doing the bare minimum, they are committed and proactive in their ideas to make their company a little better every day.
  • Recommendation: Your employees are also your best advertising ambassadors. With conviction and expertise, they not only tell their friends about your products and services, but also provide you with excellent applicants.
  • Lower staff turnover: New employees are great, but the familiarisation phase often takes up a lot of time and resources. A well-established team, on the other hand, works more efficiently, especially when it comes to specialised sectors. The atmosphere in the company also benefits when people aren’t constantly coming and going, don’t have to be trained or colleagues have to cope with the extra work.

Ein Mann arbeitet am Laoptop während seine Mitarbeiterin Notizen macht

What measures improve employee retention?

Well, now it should be clear why good employee retention can be an absolute formula for success and a major competitive advantage. So how can we work on this? The basis for successful employee retention is above all satisfaction and motivation. These can be promoted through the following measures, for example:

  • Appreciation: the key to a positive atmosphere in the workplace. Every thank you, every praise and every compliment are free but enormously effective measures to promote satisfaction and motivation.
  • Feedback: Whether in the form of praise or constructive criticism – showing your employees that their work is recognised and that they are being helped to develop not only strengthens cohesion and the culture of dialogue, but also the success of the company.
  • Further training: Just as you invest in the growth of your company, you should also promote the professional development of your employees. The possibility of educational leave, internal mentoring or training programmes and transparent promotion opportunities create motivation and show that you believe in the potential of your team.
  • Health promotion: Only a healthy workforce is a productive and, above all, happy workforce. In-house programmes such as workshops on stress management, massages or sports courses can support the health of each individual and at the same time strengthen employee loyalty.
  • Team building: If you get on well with your colleagues, you will also feel a stronger bond with your workplace. You should therefore regularly plan activities that strengthen this cohesion. For example, the health promotion measures mentioned above – such as sports training – can also be used wonderfully for team building.

Zwei ArbeitskollegInnen arbeiten zusammen

Employee retention at Rejlek

As a family business, harmonious cooperation and the satisfaction of all our employees is particularly important to us at Rejlek. We know how essential every single team member is in order to produce the high-quality products for which we are known. For this reason, we do not take the well-being of our employees lightly.

In order to strengthen employee loyalty and satisfaction, we rely on flexitime and flexible working time models, offer our team not only work clothes and fresh fruit but also a beautiful garden where they can enjoy their breaks and regularly organise company parties to have fun together and strengthen team spirit. The latter is a particularly important focus with employees from 25 nations and from very different age groups.

The professional development of our team is also a matter close to our hearts – and is also very important to us in order to maintain Rejlek’s pioneering role in technology. We therefore spare no expense or effort in training our employees to ensure that their knowledge is always up to date. We continuously invest in training courses on the latest technologies and new materials, because we know that lifelong learning is the key to a sustainably successful career: Lifelong learning is the key to a sustainably successful career and to shining on the labour market in the future.

Furthermore, we have always focussed on training apprentices in order to pave the way for young people to successfully enter an exciting profession and to develop important specialists for the future of the industry.

Symbolbild für gute Mitarbeiterbindung

Conclusion: Together we can go further

Promoting employee loyalty in a company is more than just an HR measure. Those who manage to get their team excited about their own workplace and create an emotional bond not only save costs for recruiting new skilled workers, but also benefit from motivated, appreciative and harmonious cooperation within the company.

At Rejlek, we are proud to have so many wonderful and dedicated employees on our side. Each and every one of them actively contributes to our success in their respective areas of work and as a team as a whole.

Are you interested in what it’s like to work at our company and want to find out more? We regularly post reminders for our Rejlekians and provide informative insights for applicants on our LinkedIn channel.

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